Thursday, November 10, 2011

Would you like a dog?

So yesterday was an eventful day to say the least. It started with getting Javian off to school and then waiting around for mikey and shawny to decide to wake up. Once they got up we went to our first Zumba class which was awesome. It's usually around the time that Mikey takes a nap but since he was in a new atmosphere he was wide awake dancing with the ladies. It lasted about an hour and Will's company was having an organizational day so they were across the street playing football, and doing some obstacle course. Lol he thought I was going to get up at 8am and go stand in the cold with them HAAAAAA. Not I but I will attend the next one just to laugh at them, to me it was nothing more then a very intense pt workout. Lol he came home limping talking about he hates soccer because they played that too lol. And that he couldn't feel his legs lol, but he wanted that new COD so bad I made him walk to the Ville with me to get it. Lets rewind to before he got home from work though lol. Usually in the mornings while walking the kids to the  bus stop the moms with pets have their dogs outside. This morning a Korean woman walks up to them asking for their phone number and speaking in Korean. The only thing they understood was dog. lol while on the playground mikey is walking up to some random Korean again lol and while I am picking him up to walk away she's talk to me lol. I bow and keep it moving because I have no clue what shes saying and I notice she has a baby puppy in a shopping bag. She walks into the crowd of moms and starts pointing to the babies lol smh and pointing at the dog. Then she gives the bag to the lady she was speaking to earlier bows and walks away. We are all looking dumbfounded because what the hell are we supposed to do with this dog. lol it begins a ohhhh my husband is going to kill me we can't have a dog. All of the kids holding him and petting him they pass him off to mikey who is holding him and trying to rub him. Lol so I politely pass him back saying "ha we can't have a dog my husband would kill me" lol. So we text our spouses like random Korean lady drops off dog. Lol one woman's husband says "ha what did you do with him no pets", I get "hahhahaha cute my ass that's another mouth to feed". So this other wife breaks down and talks her husband into it and tries to play it off as we will foster the dog and if we decide we don't want him we will find him a good home. Lol, we have no idea what kind of dog he is, or how big he will get. And where the hell did this woman get this dog from? lol I will have to say that right there was one of the funniest experiences thus far.

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