Monday, November 14, 2011

Coex Mall

Yet another 4 day weekend in Army land, and heck's naw I'm not complaining lol. The month will go as follows 3 day, 4 day, 3 day, 4day. lol gotta love the holidays. Will had CQ duty in the barracks on Saturday it was for 24 hours, so me and the boys chilled around the house. I figured we would save exploring for next weekend when we would all head to see the lantern festival in Seoul. I ordered popeyes by myself woot woot lol still haven't figured out how to open the main door downstairs but I have mastered opening the inside door. And even got a few phone calls in to the States. Sunday we were invited to the Coex mall with the Current family, which is a huge mall in Seoul with an aquarium, and movie theater and stuff. Loved the mall they have a cold stone, TGI fridays, Mc Donalds, and of course dunkin donuts, burger king (eat it on post never go to a korean burger king) lol, and baskin robbins. We tried the fridays which was good but damn so expensive, I haven't tried korean food for the simple fact that I have the kids with me and they can tend to be picky eaters. But for the prices we pay to eat at American themed restaurants I will start to eat at Korean restaurants lol. Of course I had to browse the mall they have the hugest puzzle store ever!! I plan to go back and get me a few to keep me busy during the week, and tons of toy stores. One of them was Hello Kitty themed, lol she has her own toilet paper smh. I also found the Nintendo store, Sony, apple and Samsung, def getting me some beats by dre headphones lol. They have demonstrations of the latest video games set up in the middle of the mall. They have a few new games coming out on 3d that looked awesome and the new zelda on Wii is going to kick ass. lol....they have a true religion store, guess, Levi, pan-coat and I cannot remember the other brand but unless you are a size 1-2 in america I would not advise shopping here lol. In true religion the biggest size they had were 24 and lol the jeans in all the stores are no less then 480000 won which is about 400 bucks in america. Lol Looks like it's time to find second market and get to shopping knock offs lol or ordering offline. Not to many kids clothing stores were found, but they have tons of shoe stores, but again if you're not a size 4-5 maybe 7 in the USA you won't find any shoes to fit. And they have shoes I have never seen in the states that are to die for. After browsing oh yea I found a Starbucks that only pretty much has tea and the one kind of caffe Americana they have is 7000 won. 6 bucks for coffee kick rocks lol, man I miss speedway 98 cent coffee and circle k 89 cent coffee Mondays lol. We went to the aquarium which was awesome they had people in the tanks with the sharks and fishes doing tricks it was a very nice time. I even got a few pics of the boys in the a sharks mouth not a real one of course. And as usual mikey slept through majority of it lol so he didn't see much until like the end. We took the train there of course straight shot and despite how incredibly smart Koreans are they didn't make the train stations kid friendly. Hardly any elevators and tons of freaking stairs. If you have some weight to lose I would suggest riding the train to and from Seoul every weekend lol.. You will def lose about a good 50 lbs especially carrying a stroller up and down the damn stairs. We got home around 9 which was right on time because Javian had school the next morning. Which of course he was complaining about shit they get as much time off of school as the damn soldiers do from work lol. So he tried to be slick and stay up till 2 am lol sucks for him he has to get up at 6:30am so he was not a happy camper this morning. Now we are off to find the McDonald in yanju and to get the stuff for thanksgiving dinner. Pumped to spend the holidays with my army family. And to answer everyone's question no I am not home sick at all heading to Korea came at the best time for me. I wouldn't make it in Cleveland around the holidays with out my Gramps. So Happy Holidays to everyone and I will keep updating you guys as I go.

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