Saturday, November 19, 2011

Seoul Lantern Festival, Mcdonalds experience and just weekly random updates...

So, the week started with Will going with a friend to pick up his wife. On the ride back I sent him a message saying that I wanted to try the new Mcdonalds that had been built by lotte mart. All I knew was that you take 3 straight there lol....While on the train back he says oh I saw it it's literally right there not far at all. So when he gets back to the house we hop in a taxi to the Lotte Mart, well what he didn't know was that there are two lotte marts with in 15 minutes of each other. So the first one that we went to of course was the wrong one we were in Jihang when I specifically kept saying Yanju lol. So after getting in a second taxi and heading finally to the right location and by the way the driver had no idea where mcdonalds was so we had to tell him lotte mart in yanju to get close enough and then walked the remainder of the way. Lol...smh on the way there I passed an outlet mall that resembled Aurora farms but with different stores of course. And a Korean clothing store with the hanboks and everything. lol but I have no idea exactly where I was to have a taxi take me back to that store so that will have to be an adventure to attempt to get back to that Korean clothing store. We want to have the next set of pictures taken in authentic Korean clothing. And of course as my luck would  have it there was a tent sale (which I am sure he will be back fingers crossed) that were selling kimonos for kids that I wanted to buy, but was waiting for Will and ended up missing the damn sell. I know next time to just buy the stuff and show him later. lol....The McDonald was great not greasy like back home served pop in glasses lol just your average fine dining in Korea lol. On the ride back we lucked up and got into a pimped out taxi fully equipped with lights embedded in the ceiling and lighted up dolphins in the back lol. Along with the shag carpet on the seats lol and he was driving at least 100mph we had to have ran like 4 lights lol. Of course this week was a short week because the kids had parent teacher conferences so no school for Thursday and Friday. I went to the conferences with a list of things to talk to his teacher about. So, here's what I was told mom, 1)they don't check book bags because they don't expect them to be bringing anything from home usually. She just tells them to grab their folders and anything that doesn't belong out. Well, javian being Javian figures that belongs because that's where I put it so he doesn't take it out. He is doing well can spell his name and everything, nothing major to discuss about his other skills because it's a work in progress and she doesn't expect them to know that stuff yet. Then we got on the subject of FRG. Which I have to attend the next meeting per Wills commander or whomever saying so lol. But other then that he is doing great adjusting and adjusting well. Since, Jay had a four day weekend and Will had a 3 day weekend for what I don't know. We spent Friday shopping for thanksgiving dinner and yes Delaina I ordered my turkey from Popeye's lol Cajun style woot woot. lol And got all the ingredients for the sides. Lets hope that everything is done in time seeing as how I don't have a real oven booooooooo. Totally forgot about desserts because my gramps usually takes care of that. Sigh first year without the crack cake I am def going to be in tears that night. lol And I have managed to stay so busy that I forgot that it was his birthday official in Korea. So special shout out to my best friend, grandfather and guardian angel miss you more then ever. Happy birthday and in honor of you I will be going to see the Korean NASCAR because if he was here he would so be there. But I know that everything I am experiencing right now you are right with me. So wish me luck on cooking a semi dinner as my gramps would have done with some special homemade sides from my granny. Shawny really needed a haircut he hasn't had one since he went to gdaddy and Will kept putting it off so I got the clippers myself and started to cut his hair lol. My theory hey my mom use to cut bjs in the beginning can't be that hard lol. So I started and then will took over mumbling next time I will take you to the barbershop your mother then went crazy lol. No just tired of waiting lol. We went to the Lantern Festival today which was awesome, Koreans are so darn creative and I love the fact that no matter what time of year they always have something going on. When we got off the train at Jonggak Underground mall woot woot cannot wait to go there they had some shoes to die for, we were surrounded by tons of stores that had the holiday spirit. I loved it even though there is no snow and that they are the only country in Asia that recognizes Christmas as a national holiday was good to see others in the spirit. It was a very short walk to the lantern festival and when in doubt just follow the Koreans lol. I took tons of pictures and despite the slight wind the only thing on me that was freezing was my hands. We did find a McDonald so you know that's were we ate. lol kinda done with the expensive ass american restaurants, gotta start eating Korean or something and on every corner was a Starbucks, but after my last experience I didn't go in lol. And we stuck to our word we didn't get lost at all lol straight shot on the train there and back lol. And less then 5 minute walk from train to destination and in the process found a show called jump with the karate performance and stuff over dinner. Def our next outing, well after the holidays of course. And hahaha they are trying to imitate the black Friday sale at the PX so instead of one day it will be 3 days and then cyber Monday.I won't be going every day but I will be there the first day. Hopefully they still have what I am looking for. lol. Until next time guys enjoy the photos. Oh yea after two years of being completely natural I decided to get a press and curl came out nice. I found an awesome lady here with a hair salon who hooked me up. Thankfully her husband is about to retire so they will be here for a minute so I will be able to keep her around until I leave. So for the winter I think I will keep the straight look until I get tired and go back to some sort of protective style.

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