Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

So what are you thankful for? This is the question of the day and something that people wait to late to realize. People often take for granted the little things in life like when family only lives 20 minutes away yet you only see them on funerals and weddings. Or only call once in a blue moon or go months without seeing your grand kids because you have let time and life get in the way. What you fail to realize is that time is one thing that no one has a lot of and it is not promised to anyone. If you continue to wait for the right time to do things or have to continue to tell yourselves that you need to make time to do this that and the third you will wake up and realize that yet again time has passed you by. I am blessed and thankful to have spent my grandfathers last dying day with him. I am thankful that I got to tell him how much I loved him before he took his final breathe, I am thankful that god blessed me enough to place him in my life for the amount of time that he did. I am thankful that the process of me going to Korea was delayed so that I had time with my grandfather even though I didn't know that it was the end. I am thankful for my family who no matter what stood by my decision to move out of the country with my kids. I am thankful for both of my grandmothers who no matter the age or the time it took have been there for me and my kids and never faltered in their love. They made me who I am and I thank them for that everyday of their lives. I am thankful for my parents for -y mother and laughs with my father. I am thankful that I can still argue and fight with them and call the next day and everything be okay. I am thankful for them always keeping it real with me and for being tough on my kids, who miss them dearly. I am thankful for my kids, they are the reason why I breathe the reason why I laugh and even when I am crying they are the little hands patting me on my back. I am so thankful for them. I am thankful for my brothers who no matter their age always bring something to the table. They look out for me like they are my fathers offer wisdom when they can and have my back no matter what. I am thankful for my sisters that laugh with me vent with me and spend money with me lol, eat with me and harass me whenever possible. I am thankful for my nieces and nephews near and far. I am thankful for my ride or die friends my true best friends lol the ones who have my bail money if I flip out or will take care of my kids when I pass. They are greatly appreciated all the time. And of course I am thankful for my husband who has my back through it all, and gave us a great opportunity. He's right there with me when I make off the wall decisions or blow up on someone. He calls me on my shit and I call him on his. I am thankful for that because without those things who would I be. Now while you're eating dinner taking for granted the very things that I have mentioned above. Start to think about what you're thankful for and how many things you toss to the back burner because you have all the time in the world to do it? I was told to live everyday as if it
 were your last, I take nothing for granted because time is not on my side. And no matter how you may look at things time is one thing you cannot hold on to. A guy died today that I went to high school with from a rare kidney cancer. And his last post was about how he was a fighter and planned to beat this, 24 years young. Death has no expiration date doesn't matter if you're a newborn or 100 years old when it's your time it's your time. So again what are you thankful for?

Now, our first Korean thanksgiving was awesome, Olmsted, Mottes, Yingling, and the Irwin came and had dinner with us. And I cooked everything, cornbread dressing., candy yams, collard greens, ham, rice pilaf, mac-n-cheese. Cajun turkey, rolls and mashed potatoes apple pie and cake. The turkey from popeyes was great the best yet. And it's Olmsted birthday on Saturday so that bought him some chinese liquor 80 proof and lord have mercy that crap was nasty. It smelled really good lol don't get me wrong but it was like drinking rubbing alcohol lol.  I barely took a sip and was like oh lord I am good on that one lol. Dinner was great we ate, and ate and ate and guess what lol no one was yelling alright get your shit and get out lol. Love you Josie. lol but really I didn't even realize I wasn't home because my army family made it so much fun. And the boys had a blast with their new friend Alexah who has to be the coolest little girl since Parris lol. Love her to pieces lol, she ate so much she looked like she wanted to pass out lol. Oh and I tried Soju the other day and hahahaha please follow the directions on the bottle. DO NOT DRINK WHILE SITTING DOWN lol. Well here's a toast to new memories with great people. And sending tons of love back to my family in the states. Gramps was greatly represented from Korea to the States. First year without the crack cake but I have a year to prefect it.

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