Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rice Festival....

So yesterday I wanted to venture out to the Rice Festival, me, will, the boys, yingling, Olmsted, and mottesheard set out to find it. Lol it was cool at first because they all know the train system pretty well but then we got to a point to where weren't in Kansas anymore lol. Lost would not even begin to explain it so yingling and his map quest decided we should take the bus (which was an hour) and then transfer to the free express bus (another 15 minutes) and we would be there. lol mind you the train ride alone was already an hour and a half. So we got on the buses and Mottesheard made friends with the Korean guy sitting next to him who decided he would help translate so that we could find out way. He had no clue where seolbong park was but he got us to some taxis who convinced him that it would be cheaper to take a taxi then to get on the bus. Come to find out it was right down the street not far at all mind you though we left the house at 11:30 and got there at 4:30 lol. The guys have a curfew again so we have to make sure that we are back before 3 am. The festival was very nice they had programs in English and Korean and it was of course very kid friendly they had so many different arts and craft things for the kids to do. Making rice masks, craving wood, painting flags, and making their own little rice strainer. They also had the Violinist there but the noise level was way to loud for mikey so I didn't get to hear her. They had a donkey ride and then if you walked far enough Icheon museum was behind the festival and it was free to go in. So of course we went in, but since we had the bulky stroller Will decided he would stay at the bottom with Mikey while I snapped my pictures. Lol well while I was snapping pictures Will managed to get his own little group of followers lol a group of teenage Korean boys who had to conduct a series of interviews for the school in English lol. When we got back to the bottom him and mikey are walking back with a trail of boys following behind them. They asked questions like what can Korea improve on, what is your favorite Korean food, least favorite food, what brought you guys here, how does it differ from the United States, what was your first thoughts when you arrived and etc. They filmed it and everything and Will made sure to tell the teacher they deserved an A lmao. They had so many different kinds of rice, wine, and little eating areas set up (Lauren they have vending machines of rice) lol, We snapped more photos and then decided we would attempt to find our way back home. lol let me tell you if we would have went back the way we came it would have been a lot cheaper but nooooooo these genius figure as long as we get to a train station we are okay. We take the express bus, which was 1000 won a person excluding the kids back to Icheon bus terminal. Instead of getting on the hour long bus back to the the express bus terminal these geniuses decide that Seoul isn't that far lets see if a taxi can take us to the nearest train station and save money. Boy did we not save money at all smh we finally found a cab driver that knew a tad bit of english and he said he could get us to a train station. I am asking how much they like ohhhh no more the 7000 won hmmmm okay seeing as how the hour bus ride tickets cost 15000 lets try it. Ummmm we ended up spending 55000 won in taxi fare. I was soooooo pissed lol but he got us to Moran Station and it was surrounded by restaurants and little stores. So once we got out I noticed an outback and I was starving by then so we all went in to eat. Ummmm yea def not like back home lol but I shouldn't expect it to be when their delicacy is dog. lol they give your bill before your food just the way they do things that way when you're ready to go you can just pay and go. Everything in Korea is sweet the steak sauce was so sweet glad I only poured it on one piece and my baked potato had some type of honey on it. They boys had of course chicken fingers and fries lol they were happy something they recognized that didn't have to come with rice. And we got instead of salads to start (because they don't offer salads) mushroom soup which mikey loved. lol we ate and headed back towards the train station, it took us 4 trains to get home lol. But it was weird once we got to  the Seoul International School that we all felt like sigh now we know where we are we are almost home. lol that's how you know you're getting comfortable when something that was foreign to you now feels like home. I told Will I will stick to my adventures that have a train station right by it. lol, but the boys had a blast and Mikey made a lot of friends with the teenage girls and the older ladies. Oh yea shout out to the Korean lady on the train who got Mikey to sleep lol whatever she said to him he surely quieted down and was knocked out in less then 5 minutes. I am starting to think he understands them when they talk to him.

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