Monday, October 31, 2011

Commissary, Trick or Treat and Pizza Experience

Yesterday Will made me venture out by myself to the Commissary and the Px to set up the boys lunch account. So, it's official after shopping at the Commissary I will never shop at another regular grocery store again. Lol the prices are awesome 2 bucks for some ground beef 4 bucks for two steaks the only down side is the damn milk is 4 bucks and that's not even a gallon because they don't sell gallons of milk. It's like .75 or some crap. Thank god for Wic which is available overseas woot woot lol, because without it we would not be buying milk on a reg at all. The whole Lunch account is cool because all Jay has to do is enter a pin number and he can buy food anywhere on the base, not that he will remember a pin number but it's smart. Today HAPPY HALLOWEEN we had a wic appt and then went to the Library on post which has every season movie on dvd, but then again you can go to the ville and get any movie you want for 5 bucks. Jay started school today and he had a blast except for his little melt down about having to ride the bus to school he had a great day. He loved riding it home so he thinks he's to hot for tv now that he can go to school on his own with his friends and I'm not right there lol. Shawny on the other hand has no fascination with going to school anytime soon because in his words he's too small. Jay has also decided that he wants his hair cut because he no longer wants to get it washed but I keep telling him he still needs to wash his hair. Lol he told shawny yesterday that he was going to get his hair like his and lord the look on shawnys face was priceless lmao. He paused and was like huh like mine like no hair at all?? Yea okay lmao and walked away, then he returned like Jay you know once you get it cut it don't come back you want it like mine? lmao trying to make sure he heard him correctly lol. Fine time to want a haircut when we are in Korea and all they know how to do is the military haircut. Today was the trick or treating in Viva Family complex which was awesome, Shout out to those ladies that organized it. They had people at every building passing out candy to the kids and they were dressed in Halloween costumes and had decorated the outside a tad. Even some of the Koreans joined in and passed out candy for the kids. The Koreans by the way love Mario and Luigi lol that was like the best costume every lol. They all wanted photos with the boys one kid made his dad stop the car so he could take a picture with the boys lol. Speaking little to no english he was just laughing saying awesome so awesome mario mario mario lol. So def have to find something to top this years next year. For dinner Will wanted pizza and we all  know how picky I am so I wanted to play it safe and go to burger king lol. He ordered Dominos instead and I haven't had dominos pizza since cleveland public school smh. He got me the supreme pizza and it came with CORN and sweet pickles on the side lol. smh that was just not the combination I was looking for lol. Don't get me wrong it wasn't bad but yea my stomach def didn't like corn being thrown all into the mix lol and I haven't even opened the pickles. But Will has a little collection going of pickle containers talking about they are good on sandwiches lol so they will be in the fridge until he opens them. So tomorrow my goal is to go grocery shopping, which ha it's the first of the month and all the wives do the shopping anyway so Will's method of go early when it's less crowded is dead. And he must have forgotten I haven't went grocery shopping without a car in so long I'm like ummm how the hell am I supposed to do this in a Taxi with a toddler Shawny and a stroller. lmao we will figure it out though......

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