Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Flight

 So the day started at 5:30 am, our flight wasn't scheduled to leave until 10:19 am but of course with nerves and everything I had been up all night. I had planned to cook breakfast but thanks to the granny fairy she went and grabbed McDonald. Luckily, we got to the airport 2 hours before my flight because check in and security were a pain in my ass. FYI TSA AGENTS: if you hate your job no one is stopping you from finding another one dick heads smh. After they tested the baby's milk scanned all the jars of baby food and powder milk hand scanned the stroller put the car seat through the scanner we were free to go.

When we got to the gate the boys are panicking because they are watching the planes take off and we aren't on one lol. So, after explaining that it's not time for our plane to leave they decided that running around in circles would be the best way to waste time. Finally, they call our flight, mind you I haven't been on a plane since 2004 and to top it off I am looking at the plane out of the window like that little thing lord help me. lol. So we board this little jet that has two seats on one side and one seat on the other. I get the boys strapped in and me and mikey take our seats. The boys are all excited talking and pointing out the window, while mommy is trying not to barf from being cramped on this tiny plane. By the time we are in the air all three of the boys are knocked out. It took us all of 20 minutes from Cleveland to Detroit ( I could have drove that and saved some money) lol but at least a good 30 minutes of flying in circles before we could land. By the time we landed got off the plane walked the long green mile to the other side of the concourse they were boarding for the Korean flight. We get our seats which it's overly crowded with Koreans and young Americans lol Much bigger plane so I'm not sick this time just anxious to get on our way. They have blankets and pillows and tvs ready for you the boys get their head phones strap their selves in like they are pros. And start complaining that the pilot is talking to much and that they are hungry. The flight attendants are very helpful and Jay sat next to a nice Korean man who helped him with the little things like opening his meals and changing the channels and games. On this flight wine and beer are complimentary go figure lol, and so are juices, pops and coffee and tea. Mikey seems to have the flying down he's knocked out when we take off and wakes up about two hrs into the flight ready for action. He doesn't want to walk however and finds a little Korean girl that is sitting behind us to play with and laugh at. When dinner comes out shawny takes one look at it and says "I'm not eating that I will wait until we get to Korea." The choices were chicken, beef, or pasta. We all get chicken, which wasn't that bad, the boys eat the bread the dessert of course and the crackers. After dinner I am telling them to take a nap go to sleep. They both reply with "no we are just going to watch movies". After feeding mikey we both pass out periodically checking the flight time. Before I know it we have 8 hours left and the boys are still wide awake. So, we do the bathroom break walk around the plane and mikey meets an older korean lady who he takes to. While she's walking around and stretching she stops by to see if he wants to take a walk. She was a big help. Finally it's snack time the get their peanuts and pretzels they eat that and then they bring sandwiches around with bananas and cookies. Mikey goes through two bananas and half a sandwich then back to sleep he goes. By now we have 4 hours left to go and Jay and Shawny are still wired for sound. They finally doze off when we have 2 hours left to go and breakfast is being served. Personally they didn't miss anything so I let them miss that and me and mikey take our walk and then watch another movie. About an hour before we land I wake the boys up who don't want to get off the plane and strap them back in. They did great getting off the plane and walking through customs. We get to immigration and shawny is flirting with the girl behind the counter, winking and smiling smh asking her where are bags are lol. She points us in the right direction and we head to baggage claim. Once there (for those that don't know I had 7 bags) I get two carts and Jay starts grabbing the luggage even the ones that aren't ours lol. So I load everything up Jay pushes mikey, shawny has a cart and I have one and we head to find daddy. Once we get through the other side it's like a mini mall. McDonald with servers and a performance going on, we head towards the train with will and his friends which is like the rapid but much cleaner and the people are way nicer. The train ride was at least 2 1/2 hours long and we had to get on two different ones which required a lot of stairs smh. And for Koreans to be so tiny they sure are lazy because no one takes the stairs. By the time we finally got to home sweet home aka VIVA FAMILY (pics coming soon) it was 8 pm and I felt like I had been hit by a truck.

We shall see what today holds for me.

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