Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly.......

SO, the weeks have been flying by and Christmas is approaching faster then ever. Good thing time has been on my side some what and that I am a professional shopper because I am done with all the Christmas shopping. I just need to grab a few more things and it will be complete. Lol my last thing on the list is a Christmas tree but I am being cheap because the PX wants 180 for 7.5 ft tree the can kiss my *** on that one lol. Not about to spend over 100 bucks on a fake tree. And then the boy scouts were here selling real trees but heated floors, and my forgetfulness are not a good combo and a fire hazard for this household so that's a no go. This week despite the fact that Will is gone camping has been very eventful. We went to see the christmas tree lighting at the Gateway and the kids got to take free photos with Santa. Javian's ungrateful ass didn't want to take a photo with santa at first because he wasn't getting a gift but I got that in  check real quick. If he keeps messing around he will wake up to watch his brothers and dad open their presents with a salty look. And Santa will leave him and IOU when he gets his act together. After taking photos with santa the kids were given gift bags that included toys, comic books, and a disney dvd. That was so thoughtful of them they gave one to every kid even mikey got his own bag. Thankfully they gave different dvd's also lol so I wasn't stuck with 3 of the same movies. After pictures with Santa we sat down and had dinner, we have house guests staying with us and we are having a blast. They fly back to the states on sunday and I am def gonna miss them. But for now the boys and Alexah are having a blast. Thursday we went to have dinner at Little Prince which is a kid themed restaurant. I swear Americans are stupid we should soooo be incorporating this stuff in the states but oh well. I will surely miss the family oriented restaurants. It's ten times better then chuckie cheese. You come in and the kids go off to play while the parents can drink and eat. They have monitors throughout the place if you feel like you would like to check on your child. But they have paid babysitters there that monitor well look after your child. They are so loving and nice with the kids, I caught a lot of them walking around and holding and snuggling with mikey the way he likes. She not once brought him to me and she made sure he was okay the entire time. Not something you would get in the states with the rude ass people we mass create lol. But it was very nice. We ordered the kids pizza but they were to busy running a muck that they didn't really sit to eat lol. It was a cheese pizza on tortilla bread it looked like with corn but it was delicious. I loved it and the cappuccino was awesome. You don't have to flag a waiter down they have little buttons at the end of the tables that you ring when you are ready to order or what not. And it seems to be the go to place for company dinners. Birthday parties are free you just pay for the price of food and it's 2 hours per child for 6000 won. I am loving how family oriented they are they kind of eliminate the having to find a babysitter to have a good time motto, which I am all for. Our house hold goods came in yesterday (Wednesday)  and it was funny watching them move my stuff in. They had to remove the windows in my room lol. Which I was thinking hahahah you break you buy lol, and then they have a truck with a lift on it that brought all of my things up to my window and they lifted it off and set it up lol. Go figure lol no back breaking lifting or going up stairs or elevators. I swear with some things these people are geniuses.

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