Monday, December 26, 2011

Orphanage Trip

Will's battery came up with the idea to donate Christmas presents to the local orphanage. You received a half day off work if you bought a present and a full day off if you actually attended I believe. Will picked a 12 year old boy and we had no idea what to get him, because for one he's Korean so their interest may differ and two besides computers and video games what else is a 12 year old into. So, we got him these Lego sets and a hat and then donated socks underwear and tshirts to the orphanage thinking like it's an orphanage in the states lol. Boy were we wrong, I will say thing and sorry for those that are offended but ummm the United States needs to do better. These kids have it all cellphones, up to date computer lab, music lessons for those that want to learn piano and drums. They are far from the average needy child in the states, the only thing they are lacking is a family to love them. But they are well taken care of a few of them were at an English speaking camp for a month. I believe the youngest kid there that I saw was maybe 3 years old but you can tell they take care of each other. I did get a chance to talk to one kid he was 18 years old and has been in the orphanage for 11 years. He will be there until he completes university yes they even go to college before they are out on their own. That is totally different from some of the ones in the States I know 18 out of high school for some of them you are out. It just amazed me how different the process is for them. They enjoyed playing with the soldiers and Jay, Shawny and def Mikey had a blast. The only thing that separated them from those kids were a language barrier lol. Mikey made friends with a little girl who loved to carry him around showed him some songs on the piano and cuddled with him lol. And Jay and Shawny went outside with the kids and played soccer, threw snowballs and just ran around. I think it was a good experience for them and the kids appreciated the thought even though I am sure they had no idea what to do with some of their gifts lol. 

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