Monday, December 26, 2011

Laugh your way to a better marriage retreat

So Will comes home one day like you want to go on a marriage retreat next I am like ummm who is going to watch the kids. He says oh they pay for everything and they will have babysitters, so I'm like sure why not. You know he is the king for last minute details so that was all I heard about it until the day before we were supposed to leave. Lol... we met the bus at Carey gym at 8:45am, which is very early for shawny who was pissed he had to be up that early. We got an all expense paid stay at the dragon hill lodge in yongsan, which is like an hour away. 3 days, 2 nights and the seminar was actually very funny lol. It cracked me up and broke all of the myths about marriages. Brought to light why people usually on make the 5 year or 7 year life span. And confirmed everything I already knew lol. I have to repeat myself more then once to make sure he is listening, you cannot stop what you did to get the girl once you have her and women are awesome at multitasking and men well can only do one thing at a time so don't give him a list of stuff because only one thing will get done lol. While we were there during our free time we explored the area the PX is like a Walmart lord how I miss Walmart lol. But it has everything lol so jealous because Casey looks like a Walgreen lol. And their commissary is freaking huge compared to our little 7 11 lol. We went shopping in Itaewon and got the boys tennis shoes and Korean jackets made with their names on it. They also had a handmade shoe store freaking awesome. And tons of stores up and down both sides of the street that place has def made it on my must revisit list lol. They had a shop that made cashmere sweaters custom made suits and leather clothing. It was a nice experience. They had some very nice restaurants that we tried out well all but one which was like a fine dining one that sold 5lb lobsters lol. Surprisingly the boys had a blast at their little daycare and mikey found time to cuddle with all of the teachers lol no one was exempt from his love lol. During the seminar they also recommended the book the 5 love languages to help you communicate with your loved ones. Probably the thing that they love the most is what you criticize the most about them and every time you do it it your are tearing them up inside lol. Well, we all know that mikeys love language is physical touch lol he loves hugs and kisses, mine is gifts lol I don't care what it is, jay is appreciation, and Shawny is quality time and will is a little of all. We also got to see some Korean ladies come sing Christmas carols

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