Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Well, since valentines day and will's birthday are a day apart we just went ahead and celebrated early since he wasn't sure if he would have his birthday off because of the exercise they are starting this week. Saturday we went to dinner at the Warriors club and had a pretty good time. He opened all of his gifts because he just couldn't wait he is now joining the world of xbox smh and has a video camera so watch out he will be recording any and everything that the boys do and sending out dvds. And then Sunday he got his Jacket I had made for him  lol while surfing the internet though I found out a cool little history fact about korea so every 14th of the month I will be updating the blog with this tradition and what you are supposed to do during it lol.

Valentines Day Feb 14th
If a woman wants to confess her love for a man, or express her feelings for him, this is the day to give that special someone some chocolate. The streets of Korea begin to line itself with chocolate-filled lace baskets about a week prior to Valentine's Day. This day particularly makes a large profit in department stores, hotels, chocolate stores, bakeries, jewelry stores, and doll stores.

We missed the one in January so to back track to that one it was Diary Day January 14th
To symbolize the beginning of a new year, couples exchange yearly planners in which they mark their plans, anniversaries, birthdays and other important dates.

I got my sewing machine for valentines day so I have been starting the process of making my quilt yayy lol. Watch out for updates on that since I promised I would share my progress.

Yesterday I ventured to Dongdaemun shopping plaza it should be called city lol but had a blast. They any and everything that you could possible imagine and if you are really into fashion design I would suggest going down there to get any and everything that you may need. It was so big I didn't even get to majority of it lol. But that's okay gives me something else to go back and do. I did see the nastiest thing every man do they make sure to utilize every part of an animal lol.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I have already come

So today some random Korean ladies rang the door bell and I usually don't answer but I did today. They were from the Church of Christ here in Korea and wanted to discuss the bible with me. Now for everyone that truly knows me I am far from the bible toting type but I sat down with them and talked about the bible. They believe in the heavenly mother which I never thought about before since god created male and female in his own image. They also talked about how Christians are waiting for the second coming of Christ when he has actually Already come. They are also the only church here in Korea who practices the passover. They have some videos on Youtube search I have already come. It's enlightening to me only because I like to see different peoples points of views on life. And I find it interesting that in the united states we do communion the first sunday of every month but then here they do it the 15th day of the first month of the year. Well, here was my fun adventure in Korea today lol and I didn't even have to leave the house. And by the way lol the womans english wasn't that great but she knew those bible verses in english like the back of her hand and could explain them very well. Religion  is def a universal language.